For all of you interested in epigenetics, the links between our environment and the expression of our genome, and the factors shaking up our ever so ancient and hum-drum natureVsnurture debate, check out something new from KCL - they've developed software (which apparently is freely available...I'm intrigued) which, through use of classic twin-studies, maps places in the country where different traits are effected more by the environment or genetics. It's pretty complex - but one thing this great
report from KCL talks of is how classroom behavioural problems showed an 'environmental hotspot' in London - there the trait was caused far more by the environment than by genes when compared to other regions. There could be many explanations but one that makes sense is the great variation of household income in London - this could well have an impact on the appearance of genetically controlled behavioural issues. Check out the
link - it's fascinating!
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