
The Lucifer Effect - Prof Zimbardo

I'm currently reading 'The Lucifer Effect' by Professor Phil Zimbardo. I say currently, but unfortunately due to a crazily busy year and my constant need to read fiction too, I've been reading it for rather a long time. However, it is an absolute must-read for *any* budding psychologist, sociologist, politician or current public policy professional or politician. It is groundbreaking, frightening and very very truthful. As you can probably tell, I'm itching to give it the full review it deserves, but that will have to wait until the last page is finally turned...which due to my continued business may not be for a while. But hey, pick it up and start it and maybe you'll finish at the same time as me!

P.s I bet your copy won't be signed by the great Zimbardo himself :D

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