
Childhood - changing for the worse?

You can fill a child's life up with 'playdates', the latest toys and trips to zoos, museums and activity programmes...but as the trends in raising children shift towards 'tiger parenting' and cushioning every fall, do children get the chance to learn to be truly self-reliant, contemplative and inquisitive?

The consumerist society we are surrounded by dictates that 'good' parents will buy the latest games console, the biggest plastic play-castle or the doll able to simulate the most bodily functions (seriously, ew!) But are the best toys not those that need imagination to give them shape? A plastic playset is just a plastic playset...but an old table cloth sets the scene for sledging for toys, dressing up, tea parties, tents and hide and seek.

Should children be organised, endlessly social and infinitely stimulated creatures? Or should they learn to find happiness in the little things, enjoy the natural world and learn to love themselves over their toys?

The BBC, the National Trust and Ribena all have a say on the matter - what are your thoughts?

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