
Epigenetics - taking genetics one step further...

Epigenetics is the study of changes in DNA and gene expression which can be passed between generations but are not caused by the DNA sequence- i.e our outside environment can effect the histone proteins and non-DNA structure of our genome, causing differences in genetic expression which could affect our children too.

This is a very new and comparatively unexplored area of biology and genetic study, but one that could influence all of science in the future.

It certainly shakes up the psychologists' old nature/nurture debate!

Courtesy of the University of Utah Genetic Science Learning Centre - the coolest site ever - incredibly informative, complete with the chance to 'lick a baby rat', virtually change the epigenome of a fluorescing cell, and watch videos on the basics, twin-studies and effects on the brain. An absolute must-see for scientists, psychologists and students wanting worthy procrastination!

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